Project Anywhere XR free sample project

At the end of 2020, Epic Games teamed up with NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Casio’s leading geospatial 3D to demonstrate this potential to participants in vIITSEC (the virtual version of I / ITSEC) by creating Project Anywhere, a new proof of concept for an environment of scalable interactive simulation in real-time mixed-reality 3D.

We are witnessing an evolving ecosystem of increasingly powerful real-time software and hardware technologies that combine extraordinary potential in 3D and non-3D simulation.

The global pandemic has changed the way we live and work, forcing the simulation industry to find innovative new ways to analyze. Cloud deployment and extended reality (XR) have become more crucial than ever for simulation applications as stakeholders around the world collaborate remotely.

The new project released by Epic Games Anywhere XR, an example project to download, for 3D geospatial visualization in mixed-reality 3D.

In Anywhere XR, is streamed using Microsoft HoloLens 2, with incredible interaction, and immersion of one-of-a-kind Project Anywhere XR experiences.

This Anywhere XR free sample project demonstrates how to use large-scale datasets to create mixed-reality 3D geospatial visualization applications.
Epic Games makes the simple project free download on the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Project Anywhere XR is just a demonstration of what’s possible using these platforms. Your requirements and ideas will be different, but we hope they will stimulate conversations and help you unlock this amazing potential in your own interactive applications.

Download Project Anywhere XR

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