3D Car Render Challenge

A new and exciting 3D Challenge is on the horizon, and this time, 3D artists cannot afford to miss it. We are delighted to announce the tenth annual competition for the best automobile rendering, the most prestigious event in the world of 3D automotive modeling and visualization. This is the perfect opportunity for all three-dimensional graphics enthusiasts to put their skills to the test, refine their abilities, and find the inspiration necessary to create extraordinary works.

Submit your work

Unleash Your Creativity

The task is simple yet stimulating: create a 3D model of a car, place it in a captivating three-dimensional environment, and produce a breathtaking rendering. The possibilities are endless, and the choice of the car is entirely up to you. Whether you are fascinated by high-performance race cars or futuristic and imaginary automobiles, the only rule is your imagination. Before you begin, make sure to consult the complete competition regulations available here: link-to-regulations.

Beyond Visuals: The Importance of Idea and Execution

While the visual aspect of your creations is fundamental, it’s not the only factor the jury will evaluate. Your idea, presentation, the complexity of both the model and the scene, and the overall quality of the performance will play a key role in selecting the winner. We are looking for works capable of telling a story and capturing the viewer’s imagination.

A Prestigious Competition Supported by Leading 3D Companies

This high-profile competition is supported by some of the most reputable companies in the 3D industry. Their support will contribute to making this edition of the competition even more prestigious and rich in exceptional prizes.

Additional Prizes for Everyone

In addition to the main prizes, there’s an extra opportunity for all participants to take home special prizes. Please read the terms and conditions carefully at the bottom of the competition page for all the details regarding additional prizes.

Important Dates

Registrations are open from September 20th to December 6th, inclusive. Remember that the deadline for registration is at 3:00 PM GMT, so don’t forget to follow the timer on the official competition page.

The competition includes a general category with three main winners, as well as winners of special prizes. Start working on your 3D artwork now and prepare to submit it for the opportunity to receive exceptional recognition in the world of three-dimensional graphics.

Good luck and happy rendering!

We wish you good luck in this exciting creative challenge. May your 3D rendering inspire and amaze the judges and lead you to success in one of the most fascinating areas of digital art. Happy rendering!

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